Since 1921 Jeurgens is offering a large assortment of biscuit, pastry, cake and meringue product of high quality. Our products are being produced on two different locations in The Netherlands, for both the national and the international market.
Crumb offers a delicious crumbly base for any dessert, cake, etc., Perfect to use as a base for any cake or as a topping on ice cream.
Sponge finger are eaten by young and old in the Netherlands. Due to the elongated shape, the biscuit is easy to hold by small children. In addition, the Sponge finger tastes delicious with a cup of coffee or tea as well as making a homemade desert e.g. tiramisu or trifle
Whether it concerns an elegant meringue tower or an meringue wreath, the possibilities at Jeurgens are now enormous. Variations in shape, flavour, colour and decorations are possible.
The Trifle is made up of a number of layers, cake, jelly, fruit, custard and whipped cream. Sponge fingers can be used for this too! In addition, Jeurgens have developed Trifle Sponges and Sponge Discs especially for these desserts.
Delicious small foam Eclairettes and large artisanal Eclairettes, a typical Dutch cookie. The Eclairettes taste delicious with a cup of coffee or tea. Did you know in The Netherlands they call these cookies 'Bokkenpoten'? Which actually means goat's legs.

Jeurgens is a producer of high quality biscuit, pastry and meringue products. Our products are presented on both the biscuit shelf and the home-baking shelf.
At Jeurgens we are always looking for opportunities to innovate. Even if it concerns improving a current recipe, or a completely new product or concept.